Marketing Ideas For Selling A Home

Although most real estate agents would have you believe you cannot possibly sell your home without assistance from a real estate company, it is quite possible to sell a home by private sale provided you have a basic grasp of marketing. Marketing your listing is the most important step in selling, for without it how will anyone know you have a property for sale so they can make an offer? If you're selling a home on your own, here are some marketing ideas that can help you get better exposure on your listing.


In this day and age where computers are king, it is surprising how many people fail to realize the important of having good, visible, For Sale signs on and near your property. People who are in the market for properties might drive around their favorite neighborhoods looking for a home for sale to get a jump start on the competition. People who might only be thinking about buying until they see the perfect house (yours) can be jump started into making an offer. So put one on the lawn and put directional signs from the main roads.

Newspaper Ads

Yes, people still read the newspapers. There are enough people who either eschew technology, never learned to use it, or prefer to hold their reading material in their hands to make taking out newspaper ad space for your real estate listing worthwhile. Place an ad in the classifieds section as well as in the local real estate supplement if they have it. It's also worthwhile to place an ad (they're usually free) in the classified exchange paper if your region has one (example: the Penny Saver).

Online Listings

By the same token, it would also be foolish to ignore all of those people who have fully transitioned over into a digital lifestyle. The very least you should do in this regard is put your listing in an online classifieds site, like Kijiji, or a dedicated real estate site like Trulia. If you really want to make your loft appealing to the digital people, create a virtual home tour using a series of photos or a video of your home and post it online.

Open House

And finally, give people that extra kick in the rear that they need to actually come out and view your property by holding an open house. Holding an open house forces buyers who are interested in your real estate to congregate, which can induce them to make an offer more quickly when they see how many people are interested. The free food can also draw out those who are only mildly interested.

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