
Placement, also known as distribution, is the process by which marketed products actually get from the manufacturer to the consumer, and is one of the most important aspects of any study in marketing. In order to prepare you for your impending employment by an Ottawa recruitment firm, we will extensively discuss product placement and distribution as a step in the marketing process, and all aspects that play into the distribution of products domestically and internationally. Once you're finished with the Marketing 101 online articles course, you'll probably be headhunted right from your home because you'll be such a product placement genius.

One of the things we will discuss with regard to the placement of products as part of the marketing process is how the location of product sales affects how well it does for the company financially. For instance, how would selling crimp terminals at an online electrical supply store affect their sales when compared to selling them at a physical store location? With today's ever-expanding series of internet stores, could this product find a niche? These are some of the things marketing specialists have to know before they can begin distributing a product.

As suggested by the term "placement" distributing a product is heavily dependant on physical locations and the differences between them. We will look at why this is. Why does the international hockey school based in Canada do better then the international hockey school in Madagascar? What are the differences between the markets in one place as opposed to another? Do people who like hockey tend to live in one place as opposed to another, or do they simply have more money for hockey camp? When studying product placement, these geographical differences will play a big part.

The term placement, however, refers not just to where the product will be marketing but also who it will be marketed to. Therefore, we will also be learning about what groups of people prefer or need which types of product. What age group is the primary purchaser of biosolids applications? Which income brackets can afford the product and which cannot? Knowing the answers to these questions will allow you to save money by targeting your marketing campaign at the people who specifically need your product, rather than broad advertisements to the entire population, so we will make sure to cover focus groups and target demographics in our discussion.

Marketing a product is a business collaboration. Solutions are found when manufacturers, market researchers, engineers, salespeople, and consumers work together toward the common aim of providing people with products and services that will improve their lives, while still making enough money to pay the many employees. To this end, we offer this series of articles for your marketing education. We will place emphasis on how you currently fit into the global process of product marketing and what new opportunities, on both the business end and the consumer end, are open to you, now that you have more knowledge - In other words, how Marketing 101 has qualified you to participate in the marketing process.

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